Nedarim 20 - November 14, 20 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This month's learning is sponsored for the refuah shleima of Naama bat Yael Esther.  The Mishna brings examples of vows that when the one who took the vow explains that they never intended it to be a vow, we rule leniently and it is not a vow. For example, if one used the language of sacrifice but explained that one intended it to mean like gifts for a king, that is not a vow. Therefore there is no need to go to a chacham to dissolve the vow. But if one did go, Rabbi Meir rules that we are strict with them and they are punished. How does the Gemara understand this opinion in light of the earlier part of the Mishna that stated that it is not a vow at all? A distinction is made between a Torah scholar and an am haaretz. In what manner are they punished? The rabbis disagree somewhat and say that they require a petach from another place - how is this understood? - and we use this as a way to teach people not to take vows lightly. A braita is quoted with a list of things one should try to avoid, such as making vows, spending time with an am haaretz, speaking to women, etc. so as to avoid transgressing something more serious. From here, the Gemara discusses issues of tzniut/recommended between husband and wife, even during relations. Yochanan ben Dehavai is particularly stringent and, according to Rabbi Yochanan, the rabbis disagree with him. 

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