Nedarim 24 - November 18, 24 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 24 Today's daf is sponsored by Silke Goldberg in loving memory of her mother, Leoni Kimmel on her 3rd yahrzeit. "She was a fantastic teacher and strong believer in learning and equality for women."  Do the sages disagree with R. Eliezer ben Yaakov and think that prompting one’s friend to eat with them is not a vow of zeruzin? The Gemara cites four different sources to prove the sages disagree with him. The proof from each of these sources is rejected except for the last one. In any case, the amoraim rule with Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov. The Mishna gives two examples of the neder havai, vows of exaggeration/meaningless vows. The Gemara brings a braita in which they compare the vows of exaggeration with the oaths of exaggeration. What is an example of an oath of this type? Rava and Abaye disagree on the matter. Ravina asks about the case of an oath dependent on having seen the number of those that left Egypt (600,000). Why is that viewed as an exaggeration and not that he saw a nest of 600,000 ants?

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