Nedarim 26 - November 20, 26 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 26 This week's learning is sponsored by Paula and Robert Cohen in loving memory of Paula's mother, Sonja Waschitz, Sara bat Yitzchak z"l. This week's learning is sponsored by Jason Friedman and family in honor of Danielle Novetsky Friedman. "Happy birthday week to you. Your husband and kids are very proud of you and your dedication to learning. We love you." Rava and Raba disagree about the nature of the debate between Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai in the Mishna when someone partially changes what they meant to say. In what case does Beit Hillel (and Rabbi Akiva) hold that once part of the vow is invalid, the rest is invalid as well? Does Beit Shamai agree to that principle in certain situations or not at all? Is the disagreement about whether or not a vow that is partially dissolved is completely dissolved or is it about whether we follow the first part of one's declaration or the second part? Rav Papa raises a difficulty against Rava's understanding based on a Mishna in Nedarim 66a, but Rava resolves it. Rav Ada bar Ahava raises a difficulty to Rava about his and Raba's explanation from a different case in that same Mishna but Rava resolves that as well.

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