Nedarim 29 - November 23, 29 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 29 Today's daf is sponsored by Debbie Aschheim Weiss (NYC) and Racheli Weiss (Givat Shmuel) in loving memory of Sarah Yehudit Sharf A"H on her first yahrzeit. "She left the world too early. Her abounding love and commitment to Judaism and Israel left a lasting mark on many." The Mishna brought a case where one a sapling until it is cut. Once it is cut, it cannot be redeemed. Ulla and Bar Pada disagree about the meaning of this law. According to bar Pada, once they are cut, one can redeem them and use them. According to Ulla, there is no need to redeem them. How could Ulla hold that the sanctity leaves them without any redeeming. Rav Hamnuna, in questioning Ulla, compares it to a married woman who needs a get to remove the sanctity of the marriage. Rava answers by distinguishing the cases as marriage is a case of inherent sanctity (k'dushat haguf) and the sapling is only sanctified for its value (k'dushat damim). Abaye questions Rava's answer by bringing a braita to prove that even items with inherent sanctity can be removed when there is a time factor stipulated at the beginning. The Gemara answers Abaye's difficulty but then rejects it. The braita Abaye quoted is not used to question Bar Pada's position. Rav Papa responds on behalf of Bar Pada using a different understanding of the case in the braita. Again, they make a comparison to laws of marriage to explain this position in the braita according to the new understanding.

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