Nedarim 3 - October 28, 3 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 3 Today's daf is sponsored by Hannah and Michael Piotrkowski in loving memory of Tsina Tova bat Leib z"l, on the 52nd yahrzeit today.  Today's daf is sponsored by Geri Goldstein Guedalia in loving memory of Geri’s mother, Helen Saipe, Tzippa Hinda bat Avraham v’Devora, on the completion of 12 months of mourning. "May her neshama have an aliyah."  After rejecting the explanation that the Mishna always uses ABBA structure, two other suggestions are brought to explain why our Mishna is ABBA, even though some other Mishnayot are not. The first answer is that there are different styles of different Mishnayot. The second is that yadot came first as they are derived from a drasha and laws learned from drashot come first as they are beloved upon the sages. After raising questions against the second answer, they reject the premise of the question and reread the Mishna in a way that the structure is ABAB. From where in the Torah are yadot derived? There are three different sources brought, which somewhat depend on what one holds regarding the language of the Torah - was it written in the language that people speak or not? According to one of the interpretations, it is derived as appears in a braita from the juxtaposition of neder and nazir in a verse in the Torah. Other laws as well as derived from this juxtaposition - some from vows to nazir and some from nazir to vows. The Gemara delves into the cases in this braita - raising questions on some of them, such as, what is a case where one profanes a nazirite vow? What is a case where one delays a nazirite vow?    

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