Nedarim 30 - 1st Day of Rosh Chodesh Kislev - November 24, 30 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is dedicated in memory of Aryeh Schupak who was murdered in yesterday's terror bombing and for a refuah shleima to all the injured.  Some sages tried to compare Bar Pada's understanding of the Mishna to a case of a man who betroths a woman by saying "With this, I will betroth you today and with this, I will betroth you after I divorce you," to say that she will be automatically betrothed after the divorce. However, Rabbi Yirmia responded that they are not comparable as our Mishna is a case where the owner redeemed it themselves and the betrothal case is considered as if others redeemed her and therefore the second betrothal would not be able to happen automatically. The next few Mishnayot relate to the specific language used to relate to a group of people in the vow to whom the person vowing is forbidding oneself, and explains what the scope of that particular language is. The cases brought are seafarers, those who live on dry land, those who see the sun, dark-headed people, those who are born, and those who will be born. The language of 'noladim,' will be born, discussed in the Mishna is compared to the same word used in the Torah/Prophets where the word is used to mean both has been born and will be born. So why is the Mishna understanding that it refers to the future? The answer is that vows follow the common usage of the word at the time the vow is made, not necessarily the way it is used in the Tanach.

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