Nedarim 31 - Rosh Chodesh Kislev - November 25, 1 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 31 This month's learning is sponsored by Ron and Shira Krebs in loving memory of Shira's grandfather, Yitzchak Leib Ben David Ber HaCohen v'Malka, on his 73rd yahrzeit, for Shira's father, Gershon Pinya Ben Yitzchak Leib HaCohen v'Menucha Sara, on his 1st yahrzeit, and the bar mitzvah of their son Eytan who will be making a siyum on shas Mishnayot this month and will become a bar mitzvah on his great grandfather's yahrzeit).  Today's daf is sponsored by Deborah and Michael Dickson on the occasion of the bar mitzvah of their son Dan, this Shabbat. Today's daf is sponsored by Audrey and Jake Levant. "Mazel Tov to Michael and Deborah Dickson on the occasion of their son, Dan’s, bar mitzvah this Shabbat in Raanana." The next few Mishnayot discuss language used in a vow that would refer to Jews, Cutim (Samaritans) or gentiles. What language refers to which groups of people? If one vows not to benefit from Jews, one cannot purchase or sell items for them for the actual price but must need to take a loss. How does this law fit with Shmuel's law regarding the responsibility of a potential buyer for accidental damage, which indicates that the buyer always benefits, and not the seller? This would mean that the seller could sell for the actual price as the real benefit is not the seller's. How is this issue resolved? If one vows not to benefit from circumcised people, the vow obviously refers to all Jews, even those who are not circumcised. Likewise, uncircumcised refers to all gentiles, even if they are circumcised. The Mishna quotes several verses proving this and also several statements stressing the importance of the Mitzva of brit milah, circumcision.

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