Nedarim 32 - Shabbat November 26, 2 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Was Moshe negligent when he did not take care of giving his son a brit milah on his way back to Egypt? Who was the angel trying to kill - Moshe or his son? How did Tzippora understand that the issue was not having circumcised him? After Tzippora circumcized him and the danger subsided, what did Moshe do? The Gemara brings more statements about the importance of the mitzva of brit milah and from there, tangents off to questions about Avraham, such as, why was he punished that his children would suffer in Egypt before coming back to the land of Israel? Malki-Tzedek was supposed to get the kehuna, but instead, it was given to Avraham. Why? What is the difference between one who says in a language of a vow, "I will not benefit from someone" and one who says, "I will not eat from someone"? 

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