Nedarim 39 - Shabbat December 3, 9 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

The Mishna rules that one can visit a sick person if they are forbidden to benefit from them, as long as they stand and do not sit. The Gemara tries to figure out who was forbidden to who and why the sit/stand distinction? Three answers are brought – each explaining the reason for the split differently (two hold that the case is referring to when the sick person is forbidden to benefit from the visitor and one explains the reverse case). The Gemara raises a difficulty from a braita on Shmuel’s interpretation, but it is resolved. What is the source for visiting the sick in the Torah? Interestingly, it is learned from Moshe’s words to Korach and his followers. Rava extrapolates the verses in that scene. What seven things were created before the world was created and how does that raise a question against Rava’s drasha? What did the sun and moon do during the Moshe/Korach showdown? What was God’s reaction to them? Bikur cholim, visiting the sick, has no limits. What does that mean? One who visits the sick reduces their pain by 1/60. If so, why should we have 60 people visit each sick person and they will be healed?

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