Nedarim 41 - December 5, 11 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by David and Mitzi Geffen in loving memory of Mitzi's brother, Jerry Lock of Efrat, who passed away three years ago. "He was the first in the family to make Aliyah to Israel and was a loving husband, father, grandfather, uncle and brother who is sorely missed." Today’s daf is sponsored by Rhona Fink in honor of the birth of her granddaughter Leora Galit on the 19th of Cheshvan. “May she grow to be like a Lior, a light unto others, and like a Galit, a wave, adaptable, powerful and flexible." The rabbis deliberate: What are the signs of punishment from God, as described in the Torah that the nation will be "in want of things" - what things are being referred to in that verse? Other verses are brought to teach that before a person heals, one is pardoned from all their sins. Another verse explains that the person returns to a state of youth. Another verse teaches that a sick person forgets the Torah they learned - this is proven from Rav Yosef who got sick and forgot a lot of the Torah he learned and taught and is reminded by Abaye on many occasions of the Torah that he taught Abaye before he fell ill. A similar story is told of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi and Rabbi Chiya. When someone's time has come to pass, God's messenger can appear in any shape or form. The Gemara brings a few stories to illustrate this point. Shmuel said that one should only visit a sick person when they have a fever. What diseases is he excluding from visits and why? What foods are good for a sick person to eat? The Mishna had stated that one could heal another, even if they were forbidden to benefit from them, healing of the soul, but not healing of property. What does that mean? Can one sleep in the same bed, share the same table or eat from the same dish with someone that they are vowed to not benefit from? On what does it depend? Can they work in the same furrow?

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