Nedarim 45 - December 9, 15 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 44-45a Today's daf is sponsored by Martin Gaynor in loving memory of Elaine Gaynor on her first yahrzeit.  Today’s daf is sponsored by Dr. Bill and Malka Abraham in honor of the engagement of their daughter Alison, Chana Rivka Bracha to Aviv.  After another braita is brought to raise a difficulty against Reish Lakish’s explanation of the other braita regarding hefker, that it was entirely Rabbi Yosi’s opinion, the Gemara brings a second resolution in which they distinguish between hefker that is done in front of two people and hefker that is done in front of three. To strengthen the resolution, they bring Rabbi Yochanan's words, who quoted from Rabbi Shimon ben Yehotzedek, who said that hefker made in front of two people is not hefker. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi disagrees and believes that the hefker even in front of one is hefker by Torah law, and only by rabbinic law, it must be done in front of three so that one will take the item and two can testify about that. If two people are forbidden to benefit from each other, and they live in the common yard, are they allowed to go into the courtyard? The rabbis and Rabbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov disagree on this matter.    

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