Nedarim 46 - Shabbat December 10, 16 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Debbie Engelen-Eigles in memory of her father Hank Eigles, Henach ben Mendel z"l, to mark the end of his shloshim. May his neshama have an aliyah. If two people share a courtyard, what are all the rules regarding the use of the courtyard when one is forbidden to benefit from the other or when each is forbidden to benefit from the other? The rabbis disagree with Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov in all the cases. Is there a difference if they forbade themselves through a vow or they were forbidden by a vow that the other person made? Is the debate in the Mishna regarding a courtyard that can be split or one that cannot be split? If one rented the space out to someone else, can the person who is forbidden to benefit from the owner be allowed to use the rented space? On what does it depend?

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