Nedarim 49 - December 13, 19 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is dedicated to the refuah shleima of Avraham Pinchas ben Yaffa. If someone vowed not to eat 'cooked' foods, what is included? What about a 'cooked dish'? What does it depend on? Abaye states that everything cooked and eaten with bread was called a 'cooked dish'. A braita is brought to strengthen his words and there it appears that it was recommended to sick people to eat cooked gourd. The Gemara tells a story about Rabbi Yirmia when he was sick where it is written that gourd is very unhealthy for one who is sick. The Gemara brings three possible resolutions. The Babylonians had different eating customs and would eat thick porridge with bread. From there, the Gemara delves into all kinds of eating customs - such as should you eat porridge with your fingers? There is a conversation between two rabbis who ate from the same bowl - one with his fingers and the other with a fork and each was angry with the other. There are three stories with Rabbi Yehuda that someone (a rabbi, Roman matron, and a heretic) asked him why his face is red and healthy - each asking in a different manner. To each one he answered something different. Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon carried things to the Beit Midrash to sit on them and said "Great is labor that honors the one who labors." Rabbi Yehuda had one cloak that both he and his wife shared.

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