Nedarim 5 - October 30, 5 Cheshvan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 5 Today's daf is sponsored by Eden Prywes:  "In honor of my wife Adele Druck and her mother Susan Fishbein."  Today's daf is sponsored by Naomi Cohen for the refuah shleima of Chava bat Ilana Shoshana. Shumel explained the cases in the Mishna of "I am avowed from you" and "That I will eat of yours" as needing to be combined in order to be effective. However, after a difficulty was raised with this explanation, the Gemara suggests three other possibilities of how to understand Shmuel. Only the last one remains without difficulties. The conclusion is that Shmuel holds like Rabbi Yehuda that a statement that can be understood in more than one way (ambiguous) is not a valid statement. Therefore the vow would not be effective unless one said "I am avowed to you that which I eat of yours." Rabbi Yehuda's opinion relates to a man who gives a get to his wife in which it is written "You are permitted to all men." Since it wasn't clear whether he intended his words to permit her and the get was just documenting what he did or did he mean the document to effect the get, this is ineffective. According to Rabbi Yehuda, he needs to write that the document is effecting the get. The rabbis disagree with Rabbi Yehuda. What motivated Shmuel to understand our Mishna in line with Rabbi Yehuda and not the rabbis? Rava and Abaye also disagree about yadot that are ambiguous. The Gemara tries to line up their opinions with Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis, however, this is rejected as there are reasons to distinguish in this area between get and vows.

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