Nedarim 50 - Secember 14, 20 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's daf is sponsored by Helen Danczak in loving memory of her father on his 31st Yahrzeit. "When I think of him, I remember his gentle nature, his love of family, and his support of Jewish causes." Today’s daf is sponsored by Ilana Friedman in memory of her grandmother’s yahrzeit, Chaya Chana bat HaRav Avraham Yaacov. “She was a true eishet chayil and baalat chessed. I still miss her 38 years later." Today's daf is sponsored by Esther Kremer in memory of her father, Manny Gross, Yehuda Menachem ben Avraham to mark the end of his shloshim.    A story is told of Rabbi Yehuda showing his poverty but also his pride in not wanting to take from anyone else and his satisfaction with what he had. Rabbi Akiva was also living in poverty with his wife as his father-in-law, Kalba Savua disowned his daughter (vowed that she not benefit from him) Rachel when she married the unlearned shepherd, Akiva. They also lived in poverty but were satisfied with what they had. Rabbi Akiva went away at her encouragement to learn for twelve years. Upon returning, he overheard her talking to an evil person who was advising her to divorce her husband, and she said that she would be happy if he went to learn for another twelve years. Rabbi Akiva heard this and went right back to learn for twelve more years. Upon his return with a huge entourage of people and 24,000 students, when they tried to push his wife away (as they didn't realize she was his wife), he said that she gets all the credit for his and his student's knowledge. Kalba Savua asked Rabbi Akiva to annul his vow, which he did. Rabbi Akiva then became rich and another five incidents, listed in the Gemara, also gave him more wealth. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chanania was very ugly and the emperor's daughter mocked him, saying that how can Torah be placed in such an ugly vessel. He answered that Torah is best kept in an ugly vessel, just as wine is best not stored in fancy gold and silver utensils. Another woman who was unhappy with a ruling of Rav Yehuda against her in court, mocked his rabbi, Shmuel about his appearance. Rav Yehuda excommunicated her and she subsequently died. What is an egg tortima, mentioned in the Mishna? How is it prepared and what unique healing capabilities does it have? Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi (Rebbi) made a wedding party for his son and didn't invite bar Kapara. After being reprimanded, he invited bar Kapara. The Gemara proceeds to tell other stories between Rebbi and bar Kapara to better understand the nature of their relationship.

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