Nedarim 51 - December 15, 21 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Margo Kossoff Shizgal in honor of the aliya of her parents, Sinclair and Helen Kossof. After Rebbi invites bar Kapara to his son's wedding, he warns him not to make him laugh. Bar Kapara is not able to keep from not being funny and causes Rebbi to laugh. Then, at a party the following day for Rebbi's son's wedding, bar Kapara humiliates Rebbi with questions regarding the definition of words from the verses relating to forbidden relations. It is so infuriating how he humiliates Rebbi, that the daughter of Rebbi and her husband, Ben Elasa storm out. Ben Elasa, was a wealthy man who was known for having a unique haircut as the high priests did. The following Mishnas discuss the language of vows related to food preparation - which wording is considered more specific and limited to specific things and which is more general? When there is a difference between the interpretation of a word in the Bible and in the days of the Mishna/Gemara, we follow the usage of the word in the time of the Mishna/Gemara because vows followed the language used at the time.

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