Nedarim 52 - December 16, 22 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This month’s learning is sponsored by the Hadran women of LI for a refuah shleima of Meir ben Mala and Tinok ben Yarden. Today’s daf is sponsored by Ira and Natanya Slomowitz for the 2nd yahrzeit of Ira’s mother, Ahuva bat Rivka and Asher Tzvi. What are the laws regarding derivatives from items forbidden by a vow? If one vows on something in general, the derivatives are usually not forbidden unless one says "this particular piece of food" in which case, derivatives of that piece of food will be forbidden if the taste of is noticeable. The Ra"N has a very important interpretation of how laws of nullification work as he questions why if a vow is something that will ultimately be permitted, how can laws of nullification work? Rami bar Hama questions whether the language that would forbid derivatives is specifically "this piece of" or "that I won't taste"? The Gemara attempts to answer the question by bringing four different sources, but in the end, they do not find an answer. 

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