Nedarim 55 - December 19, 25 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This week’s learning is sponsored by Rella Feldman in loving memory of Dr. Charles Feldman on his 11th yahrzeit, 2nd day of Chanuka. “Beloved husband, father & saba, devoted doctor & community leader. Learning sustained him during his illness & he’d be proud of his family members devoted to daily learning.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Carol Robinson and Arthur Gould in loving memory of Carol’s father Louis Robinson, Yehuda Leib ben Moshe z”l. “Today – the first day of Hanukkah – we mark his 23rd yahrzeit. Louis was a devoted family man and active participant in his synagogue. We love him and miss him very much." Today’s daf is sponsored by Tina Lamm in memory of her aunt’s 29th yahrzeit, Roberta Cahen. Bracha bat Gershon HaCohen and Bina. “She was witty and independent, and I feel honored that she is my daughter’s namesake." What is included in the term "dagan" "tevuah" "allalta"? Which one is more specific? Which is more general? What if one vows using the term "the produce of the year" or "all things that grew this year"? What is not included in the vow if one vows not to wear clothing? Rabbi Yehuda disagrees with tana kama and holds that when it comes to vows, it all depends on the particular situation. The Gemara compares the laws of carrying on Shabbat to the laws of vows. One can go out on Shabbat with clothing but not with items not considered clothing. The definition of what is considered clothing for those laws is different than what is included in one's vow.

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