Nedarim 57 - December 21, 27 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

What language of a vow will mean that not only the item is forbidden but if one trades it in, the other item will be forbidden and if one plants it, what grows from there will also be forbidden? What language will not be applied to the traded item or the growth? To what type of seeds is this referring? If a man forbade items his wife made until a certain period of time, if the time was associated with the use of the item, it will be permitted after that time. But if the time frame was about the creation of the item, then if it was created in that time frame, it will be forbidden forever. What happens when one made a vow upon condition – you will be forbidden to benefit from me for x amount of time if you do something for y period of time. The Mishna brings a case where x is shorter than y and one where y is shorter than x and explains the differences between the law in each case. A question was asked regarding the nullification of the sanctity of the sabbatical year when an onion picked in the seventh year was replanted in the eighth year. Is the sanctity that is in the small piece of onion that was planted nullified in the growth from the eighth year which does not have sanctity? Various opinions are brought regarding similar situations relating to laws of teruma, orla and mixed breeds. But some show nullification works and others show it does not work.

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