Nedarim 58 - December 22, 28 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

A question was asked regarding nullification of sanctity of the sabbatical year when an onion picked in the seventh year was replanted in the eighth year. After a few sources were brought to answer the question in Nedarim 57, the Gemara continues to quote other sources in an attempt to answer the question. Most of the sources and rejected, however in the end, a source is brought from which one can learn that the sabbatical year onion is nullified if replanted in the eighth year. However, how can this be reconciled with the opinions of Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Yonatan who brought sources proving the opposite in Nedarim 57? A distinction is made between shmita on the one hand and maaser, orla and mixed breeds.

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