Nedarim 59 - December 23, 29 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 59 Today’s daf is sponsored by Valerie Farber in commemoration of her father's 9th yahrzeit, Dr. Lawrence Kaufman. “A man of Tora v’avoda. He was a renowned scientist and loved attending Rav Soleveitchik’s shiurim in Boston. Yehi Zichro Baruch. Rami bar Hama raises a question from our Mishna against those who hold that the growths nullify the original part that was planted. However, our Mishna is explained as a unique case as a neder can be undone, and therefore it is considered an item that will be permitted and rules of nullification do not apply. However, truma also can be undone and it is subject to laws of nullification. After two unsuccessful attempts to reexplain a Mishna in Trumot to be a case where the truma can’t be undone, in the end, the Gemara distinguishes between truma and vows as vows should be undone and that is not true by truma. Raba quotes Rabbi Yochanan also stating that the growths nullify the original. Rav Chisda questioned this but Raba proves Rabbi Yochanan’s opinion from a Mishna. However, Rav Chisda explained the Mishna differently in a way that would prove his point. But Raba was still able to support his claim by distinguishing between the cases. 

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