Nedarim 60 - Shabbat Rosh Chodesh December 24, 30 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

The Gemara raises a difficulty against Rabbi Yanai’s opinion about truma being nullified when planted. However, the difficulty is resolved. The seventh chapter begins with a discussion of vows that have a time limit. If the time limit is today, when does that end? If it is ‘one day’ when does that end? What about 'this month' or 'one month', etc.? Even though a vow for ‘today’ ends at nightfall, Rabbi Yirmia still required one to go to a chacham to permit the vow. Why? The Gemara questions some of the cases in the Mishna as they seem to be obvious. If one said it is forbidden for ‘day’ - is that treated like a vow for ‘one day’ or for ‘today’?

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