Nedarim 61 - Rosh Chodesh Tevet, December 25, 1 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

If one vowed until the jubilee year, does that include the jubilee year or not? This is based on a more general debate regarding the jubilee year - is it considered both the end of the previous cycle of seven shmita cycles and as the first year in the next shmita cycle or only as the last year and not as the first year. How are the verses in the Torah used by each side to prove their opinion? If one said ‘until lifnei Pesach’ there is a debate whether that means until it starts or until it ends. Their debate is based on whether or not you hold that one puts oneself into situations of doubt. However, this stands in complete contradiction to a Mishna in Kiddushin 64b where each of the rabbis in our Mishna holds the opposite position. This is resolved by suggesting that the opinions in our Mishna are flipped. In what way do we differentiate between one who limited the time on one’s vow to something that has a set time (like a holiday) or something that does not have a set time (like the harvest)?

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