Nedarim 68 - January 1, 8 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 68 Today’s daf is sponsored by Michelle Hagler on behalf of her daughters, Alyssa and Reagan Adelstein – “whose love of Gemara was the impetus for my own learning!” A braita is brought from the school of Rabbi Yishmael to bring an alternative source for the halacha in the Mishna, that the father and the fiance both (together) annul the vows of a betrothed woman. How does he explain the verse that Raba used for his proof? How does Raba explain the verse that Rabbi Yishmael used for his proof? When a fiance annuls part of the vow, is it that he annuls half the vow and the father will come and annul the second part or is it that he weakens the vow and the father then annuls what is left of the weakened vow? Before answering the question, the Gemara explains a case in which the question was asked, i.e. what would be the ramification. A braita that explains the upcoming Mishna is brought to answer the question. The subject of the braita is cases in which the father or the fiance died - in which cases can the one who is still alive annul a vow that happened before the death of the other on his own and in which cases is this not permitted?

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