Nedarim 69 - January 2, 9 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This week’s learning is sponsored by Rivkah Isseroff in memory of her mother's first yahrzeit, Gitu Isseroff, Gittel bat R’ Volf V’ Sara Friedman. “The sole survivor of her family from Auschwitz, with her emunah, created 3 generations of Torah observant Jews." Today’s daf is sponsored by Mark Baker in honor his wife Shoshana on their 29th wedding anniversary. “Marriage is enhanced with daf yomi in the mix. Love Mark.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Shifra Atik in memory of her beloved mother Sarah Goldwasser, Sarah Nechama bat HaRav Azriel Nechemia and Faiga Rissel, on her 16th yahrzeit. From the last case in the Tosefta, the Gemara arrives at the answer to its question: When a fiance annuls part of the vow, is it that he annuls half the vow entirely (meigaz gayiz) and the father will come and annul the second part or is it that he weakens the vow (miklash kalish) and the father then annuls what is left of the weakened vow? The answer is that it is a debate between Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel. The Gemara brings five questions of Rava (or Raba) regarding the ratifying and nullifying of a vow by the father/husband. One, is it possible to go to a chacham to dissolve a ratification and if so, is it possible to dissolve a nullification? If he said the ratification twice and dissolved one ratification, does the other still stand? If he said ratification and nullification together but first said ratification, however, he said that the ratification will not apply unless there is a nullification, do we understand this to mean that he wants to nullify the vow or the ratification will apply first and then there is no possibility of the nullification to apply? If they said both languages should be applied at once, what is the law? If he said that the vow is ratified today, is the vow nullified tomorrow - was that his intent? The Gemara provides answers to all questions from the statements of Amoraim or from Tanaim.

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