Nedarim 71 - January 4, 11 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 71 Today’s daf is sponsored by Elisa Hartstein in loving memory of her father Malcolm Minsk, Mordechai Nachum ben Tzvi v’Chaya Bluma, for whom she completes 11 months of kaddish today and who she misses very much. "Thanks to my kaddish buddies including daffers Judi and Emma for their support and companionship." The Mishnah stated that if a woman vowed while betrothed then divorced and got engaged on the same day, her father and new husband can annul the vow. Shmuel brings a proof from a verse to show that this is also true for vows that the first fiancé already knew about. The Gemara brings the Tosefta to support Shmuel's opinion. It emerges from the Tosefta that Beit Shammai believes that it is not possible for a second fiancé to break vows known to the first fiancé, but Beit Hillel holds that he can. The Gemara asks a question: If a husband divorces his wife, is the divorce considered a ratification of the vow or as silence? In what case would there be relevance to this question?    

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