Nedarim 72 - January 5, 12 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 72 This month's learning is sponsored by Elaine Hochberg in honor of her husband, Arie Hochberg, who continues to journey through Daf Yomi with her. “And with thanks to Rabbanit Farber and Hadran who have made our learning possible.”  If a husband divorces his wife, is it considered that he ratified her vow at the divorce, or is it considered silence (hence, no ratification)? Three sources are quoted in order to answer this question but all are rejected. The Mishna says that Torah scholars would stand up on the wedding day of their daughter and their betrothed and declare that all vows she may have made before are nullified. Rami bar Hama asks: Can a husband (or a father) nullify her vow without having heard the vow? The Gemara tries to answer his question from both sections of our Mishna as they seem to be referring to the ability to nullify vows he had never heard. However, this is rejected as the statement they each make is meant to remind her to tell them about vows she may have made, and then, when they hear the vows, they will nullify them. Two other attempts are made to bring in other sources in order to get to an answer but those are rejected as well.    

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