Nedarim 74 - Shabbat January 7, 14 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 74 Today’s daf is sponsored by Becki Goldstein in memory of her father Yoel Halevi ben Mayer & Rivka Fromm. “A teenage holocaust survivor from Buchenwald, Aba arrived alone in Canada searching for his schlichut in life. He had a beautiful voice which he pierced the heavens Shabbat, Chag & zmirot. He dedicated his life to Torah and gmilut chasadim. As a member of the Kashrut Committee was instrumental in importing many kosher items to Montreal. Any loving advice was spiced with midrashim. He challenged my thirst for learning. I miss his special nigunim. He was my guiding light." If a woman is supposed to do levirate marriage with the brother of her deceased husband, does the yabam, the brother, allowed to nullify her vows? There are three opinions in the Mishna. The Mishna records a conversation between the three of them, each trying to prove his opinion. The Gemara explains each side, particularly as they relate to a debate in Yevamot about whether or not there is zika, a strong connection between the couple before levirate marriage is actually performed. However, Rabbi Eliezer's opinion is questioned as he permits the yabam to nullify even if there is only one brother. Rabbi Ami explains that Rabbi Eliezer holds this only if the yabam performed maamar (something similar to betrothal for a yibum situation). And that he holds by Beit Shamai who holds that maamar is a really act of acquiring. Two (or possibly three) difficulties are raised against Rabbi Ami but are resolved. The Tosefta is then quoted to support Rabbi Ami's understanding. 

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