Nedarim 75 - January 8, 15 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

English Study Guide Nedarim 75 This week’s learning is sponsored by Joanna Rom in memory of her father’s 25th yahrzeit, Julius Rom z”l. “Dearly missed, he was always a loving, supportive father to both of his daughters, a proud grandfather, and a strong role model for lifelong learning.” Today's daf is sponsored by Anina, Plia, and Gordon Marx in honor of Sara Marx’s birthday. "We love you so much and are so inspired by your learning!"  From which words in the Tosefta do we find support for Rabbi Ami's statement that Rabbi Eliezer said that a yabam can nullify the yevama’s vows only in the case where he performed maamar? What does R. Akiva have to do when he said that vows are like ‘other things’ – what is the 'other thing'? Can a husband nullify his wife's vows in advance? Rabbi Eliezer says yes and rabbis say no. What is the logic behind each position? According to Rabbi Eliezer, does this mean that her vow does not take effect at all or that it will apply momentarily and then be immediately nullified. What is the practical relevance of this question? The Gemara provides three sources to try to answer the question. But each attempt is rejected.

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