Nedarim 79 - January 12, 19 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Linda Freedman in honor of her mother's birthday. “Happiest of birthdays to Mom, Buby Selmy, the great one, Thelma Pultman, for your 96th birthday and a healthy, happy year to come. From your 3 daughters, Linda Freedman, Sheila Strulowitz, and Gwen Lerner, your 9 grandchildren and their spouses, and your 28 great grands, with one in the oven." Another four difficulties are raised against Rabbi Chanina's position that a husband can push off nullifying vows of his wife for up to ten days in order to rebuke her. One of them is resolved and three remain as a difficulty. There is a debate between tanna kama and Rabbi Yosi as to what vows are considered i'nui nefesh, an affliction of the soul, that a husband can nullify. Is not washing or not adorning oneself considered an affliction of the soul? What is the difference between vows a husband can nullify because they are an affliction of the soul and vows he can nullify because they are negatively affecting the relationship between him and his wife? After some deliberation, they explain that the first category is nullified forever and the second is only nullified until he is no longer connected to her, which means, until they divorce and she marries someone us, thus prohibiting the first husband from being able to remarry her. The Mishna mentions a vow of affliction as "If I wash/adorn myself" "If I don't wash/adorn myself." The Gemara tries to ascertain what was the full language of the vow taken. One suggestion is raised and it is rejected. 

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