Nedarim 80 - January 13, 20 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is dedicated in honor of our daughter, Chani, upon finishing three and a half years of army service. We are proud of you daily for the dedication and hard work you have put in toward serving our country. Today’s daf is sponsored by Heather Stone in memory of her father, Robert Stone, Yehuda Leib ben Naphtali Halevy marking eleven months since his death. “May his neshama have an aliya, b’zchut our continued learning.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Wendy Proskin on the occasion of her daughter, Orli Zucker's bat mitzvah this Shabbat, Parshat Shemot. “May you always be as brave as Shifrah and Puah. Thank you for being my chevruta! We love you, Mommy and Abba.” The Gemara continues to detemine what the cases are in the Mishnah on which there is a debate "If I wash, if I don't wash, if I adorn myself, if I don't adorn myself." Eventually, it is explained that the cases of "if I do" is where she vows "Konam to me the pleasure of washing/adornin myself, if I will wash/adorn myself today" and the cases of "if not..." is an oath - an oath that I will not wash/adorn myself. How can rabbis claim that washing is torture for the soul when on Yom Kippur you don't receive a karet if you bathe? How can Rabbi Yosi say that refraining from bathing is not torture of the soul, when in Tosefta Bava Metzia in a different matter, he says that refraining from washing clothes is considered torture for the  soul to the extent that he puts the same weight on that as on water for surviving?  

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