Nedarim 82 - January 15, 22 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 82 Today’s daf is sponsored by Shaindy Kurzmann in loving memory of her mother A"H, Rivkah bat HaRav Simcha Bunim, on her 24th yahrzeit. “With deep appreciation for her encouragement to always keep learning.” Rava asks Rav Nachman if, according to the rabbis, a vow to refrain from sexual relations is considered an affliction of the soul or something that affects the relationship between the husband and wife. Rav Nachman tries to answer it from a Mishna that appears later in our chapter, but Rava rejects the proof based on Rav Huna's assertion that the rest of the chapter is all Rabbi Yosi's opinion. Shmuel says in the name of Levi that if a woman forbids herself from someone in particular the husband can nullify the vow. Two difficulties are raised against this from cases in our Mishna which seem very similar, yet the husband can nullify them. An answer is brought but is rejected. In the end, the answer is that the Mishna is Rabbi Yosi's opinion and Levi held by the rabbis. Shmuel and Rabbi Yochanan disagree about a case where a woman vowed not to eat two loaves and refraining from eating one was considered affliction for her, but the other was not. One says that he nullifies the entire vow and the other says he only nullifies the one that was considered affliction.  

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