Nedarim 85 - January 18, 25 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Nedarim 85 Today’s daf is sponsored by Emma Rinberg in honor of the 70th birthday of her husband Richard. “May Hashem bless you with good health and happiness for many years to come to enjoy our family - learning, teaching and inspiring us.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Laura Shechter in memory of her dear friend Daniel Maurice Ulmer, Moshe ben Shmuel and Sarah, on the occasion of his 3rd yahrzeit. “Daniel, your light lives on in the hearts of those who knew and loved you.”  Today’s daf is sponsored by Leah Herzog in loving memory of her father, Dr. Rudolf Frisch, Reuven Abiya ben Mordechai v'Leah, on his 30th yahrzeit. “He was a brilliant man of pristine integrity who encouraged intellectual curiosity. Daddy, I miss you and love you. Yehi zichro baruch.” In trying to resolve the apparent contradiction between two lines in the Mishna, Rav Hoshaya suggests that each line reflects a different tannaitic opinion (found in a different source) regarding whether or not the benefit received from giving a gift to a Kohen/Levite can be considered to have financial value. However, the Gemara explains that the root of the debate in the other source is not about whether the benefit is considered to have financial value or not. First, the debate is explained differently, however, that interpretation is rejected as well. But finally, the debate is explained differently. Rava then answers the apparent contradiction in the Mishna in a different manner. If a woman forbids anything she produces to a particular individual, the husband cannot nullify that vow as it is neither affliction nor relating to his relationship with her. But if she vows that he will not benefit from anything she produces, there is a debate about whether he does not need to nullify, as she has committed in the marriage that he receives her produce, or he can nullify because what she produces beyond the basics is her own, or he can nullify now in case they later divorce. Shmuel holds by the last opinion. A contradiction is raised as this seems to imply one can sanctify something that does not yet exist and that contradicts a ruling of Shmuel elsewhere. A possible answer is suggested but immediately rejected. Rav Yosef brings an answer but Abaye rejects it. Rav Huna son of Rav Yehoshua brings a different answer.

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