Nedarim 89 - January 22, 29 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This week’s learning is sponsored by Cindy Dolgin for the yahrzeits of Mira and Avram Dolgin. "Loving in-laws of Cindy and dedicated public servants of The Zionist and Democratic State of Israel.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Sari Esserman in memory of her father Moshe ben Yosef Hakohen. Today's daf is sponsored by Marcia Baum in loving memory of her mother Helen Baum, Chaya Chana Alter bat Chana v’Yekutiel Yehudah on her 7th yahrzeit. “Mom was a lover of learning and yahadut who instilled those values in her daughters. She is sorely missed!" The Mishna rules that if a vow is made by a woman to start in thirty days, if she gets married before the vow takes effect, her husband cannot nullify the vow. If she was married at the time she made the vow (to start at a later date) and her husband nullified the vow but she got divorced before the vow took effect, the nullification is still valid. This Mishna rules that the nullification follows the time the vow was made and not the time it takes effect. This issue also was raised in a similar case of a woman who vows to be a nazir when she gets married or when she gets divorced. There, Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi Akiva debate whether we follow the time the vow was made or the time it takes effect. Is this the same debate or can we distinguish between the cases? The Mishna stated at the end that if a woman vowed and on the same day got divorced and remarried to the same person, her husband would not be able to nullify the vow she made earlier that day before they were remarried. The Mishna ended with the words: "This is the rule..." What do those words come to include in our Mishna and what do they come to include in a Mishna that appeared previously on Nedarim 71a on a similar topic but regarding a woman who was betrothed both times and not married? The Mishna lists nine cases where a father cannot nullify his daughter's vows. The main reasons why he cannot nullify are: 1. if she is already a bogeret (has reached maturity), 2. if she was married already (and now widowed or divorced), and 3. if her father died. The Mishna rules that if she makes a vow on condition that she will not benefit from others if she does work for her husband or the reverse, the husband can nullify the vow even though it the condition has not been fulfilled and the vow has not yet taken effect. The Gemara quotes a braita which shows there is a tannaitic debate regarding one of these cases and a different case. Rabbi Natan holds that since the vow has not yet taken effect, he cannot nullify it.

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