Pesachim 100 - March 1, 17 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 100 Today's Daf is sponsored by Carol Robinson and Art Gould "in gratitude to HaShem who safeguarded Carol through last week’s surgery, and who enabled Carol’s doctors to care for her, and who grants wisdom to scientists everywhere, as both of us are now vaccinated. Also in gratitude to our friend and teacher Rabbanit Farber and the Hadran Zoom mishpacha who have showered us with such overwhelming warmth, support and affection." The gemara determines that the mishna is only according to Rabbi Yosi, as per Rav Huna's answer. According to that, Rabbi Yosi agrees with Rabbi Yehuda on erev Pesach one is not allowed to eat from a half an hour before mincha. The gemara raises a question against that from a statement that makes it seem like Rabbi Yossi and Rabbi Yehuda disagree also regarding erev Pesach. The gemara responds by explaining that that statement was referring to a different issue - one who began a meal during the day and it extended to after the beginning of Shabbat/Chag - does one need to stop, finish the meal and begin again with kiddush or does one finish one's meal and only after that, make kiddush. The halakha was determined to be like Rabbi Yosi, in an interesting story where it was suggested to be stringent like Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Yosi strongly objected. Shmuel ruled differently - that one puts a cloth over the food on the table when Shabbat comes in and makes kiddush. He rules the same regarding havdala. The issue of covering is relevant even for one beginning a one's meal - one should not bring other food to the table until after kiddush, but if it is there, it should be covered. From here the custom developed to cover the challot (at least this is one of the reasons).  The gemara brings two braitot relating to the debate between Rabbi Yosi and Rabbi Yehuda regarding eating on erev Pesach and explains what each braita is referring to. 

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