Pesachim 101 - March 2, 18 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 101 There was a custom of making kiddush in synagogues – can one fulfill one’s obligation for kiddush in this manner? If one wants to drink more wine at home, does one need to make a new blessing of “boreh pri hagafen” on the wine at home? There is a dispute between Rav, Shmuel and Rabbi Yochanan. Shmuel rules that that one does not fulfill one’s obligation for kiddush because kiddush needs to be done in the place of a meal. What is considered a "place" - are there two places in the same house considered the same place? What is considered a "meal"? If they do not fulfill their obligation for kiddush, why did they make kiddush in the synagogue? And if so did why did they make kiddush at home also? The gemara brings stories from which you can see that Rabbi Huna and Rabba ruled like Shmuel. Rabbi Yochanan’s opinion is brought and the gemara raises a question from a braita against his opinion and cannot find a resolution.  In the braita is stated that would require one to make a new blessing on the wine. The gemara brings Rav Chisda’s statement in the name of Rav Huna and his own statement limiting this law and braises difficulties on both these statements.

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