Pesachim 102 - March 3, 19 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 102 Today's daf is dedicated for the refuah shleima of Yehudit bat Eli Simcha Nachma and Benyomin Zev ben Chaya Miriam. The gemara brings a braita to raise a difficulty on Rav Chisda who said that one does not need to make a new blessing if one moved locations while one was eating a serious meal (items that require one to make the blessing after eating in the place where one ate). In the braita it stipulates that it is only on the condition that it leaves people at the original meal. The gemara explains that the braita is Rabbi Yehuda’s position and Rav Chisdo holds like the rabbis who disagree with him. After bringing a braita that highlights this debate between Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis, the gemara suggests bringing this source to raise a difficulty on Rabbi Yochanan who says that a change of place does not necessitate a new blessing, but they resolve the difficulty. The gemara returns to the matter of a meal that began on Friday and lasts into Shabbat, should one stop and make kiddush or finish the meal? Rabbi Yehuda says to stop and Rabbi Yossi says none can finish the meal. Rabbi Yossi says to bring two cups of wine – one for birkhat hamazon on the first meal and the second for kiddush. Why not say both about one cup? Because mitzvot cannot be performed “in bundles” (chavilot chavilot)– joined together. The gemara raises a difficulty on this from other places where we see that you can combine blessings and they distinguish between the different cases in order to answer the difficulty.

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