Pesachim 103 - March 4, 20 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 103 Today’s Daf is sponsored by Natanya Slomowitz in memory of her grandfather (her mother's father) Avraham ben Chanoch Meir and Esther Dembinski. He was a hero of the Revisionist effort in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Murdered 20 Adar bet 5703, March 27, 1943. יהי זכרו ברוך. What is the order of blessings for kiddush/havdala that one makes when Yom Tov falls out on Saturday night? The gemara brings seven opinions on the subject! Rava and Abaye disagree regarding the placement of the shehecheyanu blessing. The gemara brings several stories that took place from which we can derive halakhot. In the first, Rava explains why he made a blessing (in havdala on a regular Shabbat on the spices first and then the candle, even though that doesn’t seem to match either Beit Shamai or Beit Hillel’s position on the matter. He explained that there is a debate about how to understand the debate between them. The second story was about why Rava made a new blessing on the wine used for birkhat hamazon and as a result, the gemara brings a few other stories relating different opinions on that topic. In the continuation of the story with Rava, the servant lights a torch for havdala, and Rava is questioned about that, as well as why he used the particular wording that he used for the havdala blessing.  

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