Pesachim 107 - March 8, 24 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's Daf is sponsored in celebration of Geri Goldstein’s birthday by her kids Audrey and Jake Levant and Michael and Stacy Goldstein. Happy birthday! And by Inbal in honor of her husband Gadi "Who's been teaching me about life for 25 years, and who I've enjoyed learning the Daf with over the past year." What is the halacha regarding one who ate before Kiddush/Havdala? do we penalize them? What if they forgot to say Kiddush/Havdala - can they make it up the next day or later in the week? The gemara brings various stories and statements regarding beer and whether one can use it for making Kiddush/Havdala. How much does one need to drink in order to fulfill one's obligation of Kiddush/Havdala? The gemara now gets back to the mishna regarding not eating on erev Pesach. When it says close to mincha, it is referring to mincha ketana (nine and a half hours into the day) or mincha gedola (six and a half hours into the day) - and "close to" would be a half-hour before that. The gemara brings the logic for each option and brings a tannaitic source to determine the correct answer. What foods are forbidden/permitted after "close to mincha" on erev Pesach? Is it actually a good thing to eat foods that are permitted in the afternoon or better to refrain from that also?

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