Pesachim 111 - March 12, 28 Adar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today's Daf is sponsored by Danny Sadinoff in memory of Frank Sadinoff, Efraim Mordechai ben Menachem Mendel z"l. "Remembered as a loving father, brother, husband and son." And by Romi Sussman in honor of her husband, Josh. "Happy birthday! Thank you for always inspiring me to keep learning and growing. You are such a role model to our sons. Love Romi and the boys." And by Zev Gewurz in honor of his wife, Risa’s, 50th Hebrew birthday "and in celebration of everything she does, including learning Arvei Pesachim this year, together with our daughters, in preparation for Pesach." The gemara mentions all sorts of things that are dangerous to do because demons or evil spirits can catch a person in these situations. The gemara limits some cases and also offers solutions what to do if one encounters such a situation gets into trouble with a demon or witchcraft. Some are related to dangerous places or situations, some are related to immodesty and some to other things that are less understood. The gemara brings names of demons and details about the amount of demons that are in certain situations so that we know how to write an amulet to deal with them.

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