Pesachim 113 - Rosh Chodesh Nissan, March 14, 1 Nissan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This month of learning is sponsored by Bill Futornick in memory of Rabbi David Teitelbaum z"l, "who led Congregation Beth Jacob in Redwood City, CA for 38 years. Rabbi Teitelbaum was a man who led by example. He worked tirelessly for civil rights, marching in Selma with Dr. King and Rabbi Heschel, and he was an outspoken advocate for Soviet Jewry. Rabbi Teitelbaum deeply embraced ahavat tzion and inspired that ahava in his community. Most important, he was a kind and loving man, a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and a man who embodied the values of Micah 6:8: asot mishpat, v’ahavat chesed v’hatzna’ah leket im elokecha." Today's daf is sponsored by Sarah Waiman in honor of her father, Bernard Waiman, making aliyah on Sunday at long last. "I’m so jealous of you going on this journey to join your children and grandchildren and I hope to join you there sometime very soon. I’m sure you’re going to make yourself right at home in a Daf Yomi shiur somewhere in the Ra’anana/Herzliya region!" Different rabbis offer advice about all sorts of issues - health, marriage, financial, business, behavior, political, etc. First Rav to his students and his sons and then rAbbi Yochanan and Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi and others. Many are passed down with numbers - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The gemara expands on some of the topics. 

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