Pesachim 114 - March 15, 2 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 114 Today's Daf is sponsored by Tova and David Kestenbaum in memory of Tova's grandmother, Yehudit bat Reuven Pinchas V'Chaya Gutsia. "She was a true Eshet Chayil, the best Bubby, and a woman whose "hachnassat orchim" knew no bounds." And by Yehudit Robinson. "Happy birthday to Sarah and Bracha! Sarah, you are an amazing and inspiring mishna and talmud teacher and aunt, and Bracha, you are saving so many covid patients while also being an awesome aunt! You have both taught me so much about resilience and joy." The mishna describes that the first cup of wine is poured for Kiddush. Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai debate which blessing of Kiddush comes first – the one on the wine or on the sanctity of the holiday. Explanations are given to support each opinion. The next mishna describes what other foods they brought to the table – first a vegetable that they would dip then they would bring matza, chazeret, charoset, and two cooked foods. Is charoset a mitzva or not? When the Temple still stood, they would bring the meat of the Paschal sacrifice. Reish Lakish derives from the mishna that mitzvot require intent as if not, there would be no need for maror as one would have already filled one’s obligation using the vegetable dipped at the beginning of the meal. But not all agree with him and try to prove otherwise. What foods are used for the two cooked items and what is their purpose? What blessing is made on the vegetable eaten for karpas and what blessing is made on the vegetable eaten as maror?

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