Pesachim 116 - March 17, 4 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

What is the reason for dipping in charoset? Is it a mitzva or is it for some other reason? Why is charoset not liquidy? The second cup is poured at the seder and ten the section of telling the story begins. It begins with asking questions and the mishna brings questions that one asks "ma nishtana." It is unclear if all needs to ask those specific questions or if those are given for one who doesn't know how to ask. The structure is to begin with describing the disgrace and end with glory or praise. The gemara brings a debate regarding what this would be. Then we are to expound on the verses of "an Aramean sought to destroy my father" until the end of that section. What does one do if there are no children - who asks the questions? Did the content of the questions change over time? Could there be a case where there is no need to ask the questions? Rabban Gamliel says there are 3 things one is obligated to talk about at the seder - Pesach, Matza and Maror. The mishna continues to talk about the need to feel as if we ourselves were taken out of Egypt and therefore should praise God. Then one recites the first or first two paragraphs of Hallel (debate between Beit Shami and Beit Hillel) and recites a blessing about the redemption. Is a blind person obligated by Torah law to tell the story?

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