Pesachim 117 - March 18, 5 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

The gemara brings a debate regarding various words in the Torah that end with "יה" - are they written as one word or two. What is the meaning of the word הללויה? Who is the writing/first recitation of Hallel attributed to? Was the book of Psalms written by David as personal prayers or prayers for the community? Many Psalms begin with introductory words - what is the meaning of each of the different words? What state of mind should one be in before getting a prophecy, teaching a halacha and having a good dream? The gemara brings a list of people/situations throughout Jewish history who said Hallel. In what situations does one say Hallel? The word הללויה appears sometimes at the beginning and sometimes at the end of a chapter of Psalms. The gemara mentions several of them and discusses whether they are meant to be the last word of the chapter or the beginning of the next. Why is the blessing of the redeemer of Israel sometimes used in the present tense and sometimes past tense? The gemara discusses other places where similar blessings end with different wording. The third cup is said on birkhat hamazon and the fourth on the end of Hallel. One can drink other wine between all the cups, other than the last two.

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