Pesachim 119 - Shabbat March 20, 6 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This is Shabbat's daf. For Friday's daf please click here. Today's daf is sponsored  by Tova and David Kestenbaum in memory of Tova's grandmother, Ida Rivkin, a"h (Chaya Chasha bat Zvi Zeev and Leah Yente). "She was a wonderful Bubby. I will always remember her for how she davened with tremendous Kavanah, 3 times a day. May she continue to be a "Meilitsat Yosher" for our family, klal Yisrael and the world." From where did the Romans get their wealth? It originated from Joseph in Egypt - where did it go from there until it eventually got to the Romans? The verses from the end of Hallel are explained to be connected to when Shmuel went to choose David to be king in place of Shaul. The mishna in Sukka is brought regarding different customs of how Hallel was recited - were all or only some of the verses repeated? One cannot eat afikoman after eating the Pesach sacrifice. What is afikoman? What is the issue at stake? Can one also not eat after matza? 

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