Pesachim 120 - March 21, 8 Nisan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 120 Today's Daf is sponsored by Sabina Weitzman in honor of her husband, Michael Camber, "a loving son and brother, husband and father – who encourages me in all things. I thank G-d for blessing me with the gift of this good man." Is one forbidden to eat after matza? There are two different versions of what Shmuel said about this. The gemara brings out mishna and another braita to question/support each reading. According to the first version, the mishna is brought to question and the braita to support and the reverse for the second version. Each support/question is rejected as the source can be interpreted differently. Is the commandment to eat matza and maror after the destruction of the temple a Torah commandment or rabbinic? There is a debate on the matter regarding matza, while all agree that maror is rabbinic. Verses are brought to show the derivation of each opinion. If several members of the chabura (group of people eating the sacrifice together) fall asleep, can they continue to eat the sacrifice when they wake up? What if all of them fell asleep? Is there is difference between if they dozed or fell into a deep sleep? Until what time can one eat the meat of the Pesach sacrifice? Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria and Rabbi Akiva disagree - is it midnight or alot hashachar, dawn? Each derives the halacha from a different verse in the Torah and explains the other's verse in a different manner.

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