Pesachim 15 - December 6, 20 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 15 Today's daf is dedicated by Rabbi Joel and Shulamith Cohen for a refuah shelema for Emmy Hoffer, Chana Tema bat Chaya. After the gemara brings two ways to explain Rabbi Meir, Reish Lakish brings a different answer. He holds that Rabbi Meir was referring to Rabbi Yehoshua - that from him we learn that one can burn teruma chametz with impure teruma. The gemara tries to figure out from which statement of Rabbi Yehoshua is this derived. First they suggest from a debate regarding a case of doubt - if an impure person touched teruma. If the teruma in doubt was hidden, Rabbi Yehoshua allows it to be uncovered and unprotected. But the gemara rejects the comparison as to leave something unprotected is not the same as directly causing it to become impure (by burning with impure teruma). The gemara then brings a different opinion of Rabbi Yehoshua who permits taking teruma from a broken barrel that is about to spill into impure chulin and place it into an impure vessel, thereby taking something about to be ruined and permitting one to directly make it impure. Likewise, chametz on erev Pesach is about to be destroyed and therefore one can burn it with impure teruma. The gemara raises a question on Reish Lakish from a braita where it seems clear that Rabbi Meir derived it from Rabbi Chanina Sgan HaKohanim, however the gemara explains that it was Rabbi Yosi who misunderstood Rabbi Meir at first. thinking he was learning it from Rabbi Chanina but Rabbi Meir himself did not say that. According to Reish Lakish, why did Rabbi Yosi not agree with Rabbi Meir? Rabbi Yochanan understood that Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yosi only disagreed in the 6th hour but in the 7th hour, they both agreed that one can burn pure teruma with impure teruma. Rabbi Zeira and Rabbi Asi derive from here that Rabbi Yochanan held that Rabbi Meir derived his opinion from Rabbi Chanina Sgan HaKohanim. How? The gemara brings two sources to prove Rabbi Yochanan but both are rejected. The gemara also tries to explain the continuation of the mishna according to Rabbi Yochanan, what is the connection to Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Yosi?  

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