Pesachim 16 - December 7, 21 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 16 Today's daf is dedicated by Michelle and Laurence Berkowitz in honor of their son Gilad who celebrated his Bar Mitzva on Shabbat Parshat Toldot and to his twin sister Joy who celebrated her 13th birthday, Gilad and Joy are named after their late aunt, Joy Rochwarger Balsam z"l. Joy was a pioneer in women's Torah learning and was known to many of the teachers and students of Hadran. Joy taught the joy of torah to hundreds of students and would have been so proud of the Hadran learning and the multitudes of people participating. Joy  was Nechama Leibowitz's zt"l personal aide during Nechama's last years. "Joy and Gilad Berkowitz, may you continue to learn Torah in your namesake's memory." According to Rabbi Yochanan, Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yosi disagree about the conclusion one can reach from  Rabbi Chanina Sgan HaKohanim. They both agree it was a case of a liquid that came in contact with the meat but they disagree about whether liquids can pass on impurity only on a rabbinic level or also by Torah law. The gemara brings the tannatic debate regarding the ability of liquids to become and to pass on impurity by Torah law. They also bring a source about Yosi ben Yoezer Ish Tzreida who testified that all liquids in the slaughtering area of the Temple are considered pure. Rav and Shmuel disagree about whether he meant they do not even become impure or that they do not pass on impurity. The gemara raises one question against Shmuel and six against Rav.  

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