Pesachim 20 - December 11, 25 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 20 Today's daf is sponsored by Carol Robinson and Arthur Gould in memory of Carol's father Louis Robinson, Yehuda Leib ben Moshe, z"l. Today - the first day of Hanukah - we mark his 21st yahrtzeit and miss him dearly. Lou was a devoted family man and active participant in his synagogue. He could fix anything, and most memorably, rebuilt their kitchen cabinets and added new cabinets, in a manner that any professional would be proud to claim as his own. He loved Carol and her sister Debbi and would be very proud of Carol studying daf yomi. In the case of the needle, how did the meat become impure - what liquid came in contact with it to make it susceptible to impurity? The gemara brings 4 possible answers - all are rejected, except the last one. Someone brings a braita before Rav Sheshet regarding levels of passing on impurity from a sheretz but the braita is problematic and suggestions are brought for how to fix it. If a sheretz falls into and oven and there is bread there, the bread has a status of second degree impurity. Why not first degree? Different emoraim bring contradictions in Rabbi Yehoshua's opinion from the mishna (truma that is in doubt whether or not it became impure can be burned with truma that is definitely impure) and other sources regarding Pesach and truma that seem to indicate otherwise. How are these contradictions resolved?

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