Pesachim 33 - December 24, 9 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Pesachim 33 Today’s Daf is dedicated by Leora Secemski for a refuah shleima for Mordechai ben Raizel. "Wishing you a complete and quick refuah. We love you! Leora, David, Ari, Rose, and Elisheva." And by Sharon Russ (and Keren Gluch) in memory of their father's 3rd yartzeit, David ben Avraham z"l. "It is exactly one year since the Siyum HaShas for Women in Jerusalem, where I was so inspired and listened to the first daf on the way home. Our loving father, born and raised in Jamaica, did not have the privilege of a Jewish education. He was a proud devoted Jew, and his shul became his second home, davening 3 times a day and attending shiurim as often as possible. My hope is to finish Shas Daf Yomi in his memory." The gemara proves from a braita and Rav Papa's question on an explanation of that braita that Rav Papa himself changed his mind and no longer things that when Abba Shaul said the measurement for being obligated for eating truma is the value of a coin, he did not mean that it needs to have also the value of a coin in addition to being an olive bulk. The gemara brings two other explanations to explain the braita that was brought. The gemara goes back to the braita quoted in Pesachim 32, in the debate between Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri and asks what is the source for the halacha at the end of the braita that stated that the issues discussed were only regarding truma that was taken before the item leavened but truma that was taken from a leavened item on Pesach would not be considered truma at all. Two different answers are brought, each one being a derivation from different words in the same verse. The gemara shifts to discuss impurities of foods, particularly the status of liquids squeezed out of fruits - is the liquid considered a separate entity from the fruit that can be removed from it, i.e. if the fruit is impure, there may be a way to remove the juice without the juice becoming impure, Or is it part of the fruit and if the fruit is impure, so is the juice. The discussion eventually gets back to another line from the braita on Pesachim 32 which discusses mulberries and grapes that become impure and aren't valid for use at all. When are we concerned that people will mess up and when are we not. This issue comes up with truma foods that are impure and can be used for something - but can we leave them around and not be concerned that people will forget or won't know that they are impure? 

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